New Directors of Football - Zoran Maricic and Rod Del Nido

Exciting news!

Adelaide Croatia Raiders would like to announce the appointment of our NEW Directors of Football, Zoran Maricic and Rod Del Nido. Their roles will be to provide and support a new football program in line with our club's 3–5 year strategic business plan.

Both Zoran and Rod bring us a wealth of knowledge and experience, both as past players and football administrators at a high level. We are excited by this new partnership and look forward to firstly announcing our new coach which we anticipate to be by the end of the month and secondly delivering this plan.

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Vale Frank Radic

Vale Frank Radic

Adelaide Croatia Soccer Club is greatly saddened to hear about the passing of our former player, Frank Radic. Frank played 65 matches with our Seniors between 1991-1996 after coming through our junior ranks. Frank was also an Australian Schoolboys Representative in 1991 and 1992. His love for the red, white and blue was immense and he will be sorely missed.

Our deepest condolences to the Radic family. Pocivao u Miru Bozjem. RIP Frank.

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Vale Pero Basic

Vale Pero Basic

On behalf of the Adelaide Croatia Raiders Soccer Club, our deepest condolences go to the Basic families on the passing of Pero. He was a respected Croatia Adelaide player from 1964-1970 representing South Australia who insprired all who played under his guidance. He will always be remembered for his kindness, passion and support.

Pocivao u miru Bozjem. RIP Pero.

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Club Statement regarding Adelaide Croatia "Vukovi"

Club Statement regarding Adelaide Croatia "Vukovi"

There seems to be some confusion on the recent SAASL Adelaide Croatia SC Vukovi v Ghan Kilburn City FC game.

We confirm that Adelaide Croatia SC Vukovi is a standalone amateur soccer club registered with the SAASL. It is not associated with our club, Adelaide Croatia Soccer Club Inc ‘Raiders’ who is registered in the NPL SA.

Even though Vukovi shares the same facilities, this is a separate entity managed by others.


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