For lovers of the World Game, Adelaide is the proud host of the annual Australian and New Zealand Croatian Soccer Tournament from Thursday 28th September – Sunday 1st October 2023.
One of the largest soccer tournaments in Australia, comprising of approx. 60 teams (Men’s and Women’s) competing over 4 days with over 1,000 players and support staff.
Fully sanctioned 4 day event.
Showcasing some of the best soccer talent in Australia and New Zealand.
Saturday evening Gala dinner at the Adelaide Oval with over 700 guests.
Provides national exposure – participants come from all over Australia and New Zealand.
Family friendly event.
Corporate hospitality functions.
Over 1,500 visitors from across Australia and New Zealand.
Wide demographic with the core group between 18–60 which include young families all of which have a love of the World Game we know as Soccer.
Our passion is Football, our strength is our People, Our pride is Croatia!
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Company logo to feature:
Front of the official tournament polo tops
Perimeter signage on all nine pitches
Prominent signage to be displayed at the Gala Night
On the front page of the Gala Night program
On the tournament website/web pages, including all other Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) as well as electronic direct mail and official email correspondence
Television advertising on the in-house plasma screens in the main clubrooms
Additional benefits:
4 tickets the Gala Night to be held at the Adelaide Oval
4 VIP passes to the tournament, including 2 tickets to the ‘Lunch under the Olive Groves’ and VIP parking for 2 cars
4 polo tops
TOTAL INVESTMENT: $10,000 (inc. GST)
Company logo to feature:
On a sleeve of the official tournament polo tops
Perimeter signage on all four Adelaide Croatia Raiders pitches
In the Gala Night program
On the tournament website/web pages, including all other Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) as well as electronic direct mail and official email correspondence
Television advertising on the in-house plasma screens in the main clubrooms
Additional benefits:
2 tickets the Gala Night to be held at the Adelaide Oval
4 VIP passes to the tournament, including 2 tickets to the ‘Lunch under the Olive Groves’ and VIP parking for 2 cars
2 polo tops
Company logo to feature:
In the Gala Night program
On a tournament venue signage board
On the tournament website/web pages, including all other Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) as well as electronic direct mail and official email correspondence
Signage on the main pitch
Additional benefits:
2 VIP passes to the tournament and VIP parking for 1 car
1 polo top
Lunch ‘Under the Olive Grove’ – ‘Rucak ispod Masline’
Olives are the most common and most important fruit of Croatia. Olive trees supplied the local people with everything they needed: wood for timber and firewood, leaves for animal feed, fruit to eat and oil for food, medicine and lamps. In every Croatian kitchen, olive oil is used to transform simple fresh produce into wonderfully delicious food.
The Croatian Sports Centre’s Olive Grove was planted back in 2000 by the members of the Croatian Sport Centre and since then, it has ripened into a beautiful olive grove. Each year members, young and old gather to harvest the olives which is then produced into olive oil.
The Long Table luncheon will be held under the Olive Grove and will showcase our proud Croatian and South Australian produce and wine. Guests will dine with Australian and Croatian dignitaries as well as our sponsors whilst listening to live Croatian music.
PRODUCE and WINE Sponsorship
Logo featured on Long Table lunch menus
Showcase produce/wine to dignitaries
Logo in the Gala night program
Logo on the tournament website/web pages, including all other Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) as well as electronic direct mail and official email correspondence
Sign for main playing pitch at the Croatian Sports Centre (Size 2m wide x 1m high approx)
* Note:
- cost per sign
- other signage sizes, banners, flags – can be arranged pending discussions.
Sponsorship Packages
Closing date: Friday 29 July, 2023
Payment due: Within 21 days of booking
Logo Graphics
High resolution logo files to be supplied with Booking confirmation.
A separate specifications sheet will be provided as a guide for suitable artwork & file format to ensure best possible reproduction quality of your logo.
Note: Sponsorship terms and conditions apply, contact us for details.
Contact Details
Sponsorship Coordinators:
Branko Suica – 0418 834 350
Ian Krivicic – 0429 420 186